Nach unserem Schwimmbadbesuch haben wir uns noch ein wenig die Stadt angeschaut. Balvi ist ein bisschen kleiner als Gulbene, hat aber zwei große Seen. Und das tolle war, dass die beiden Seen zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch noch zugefroren waren. D.h. ich hatte diesen Winter zwar nicht die Chance, auf der zugefrorenen Ostsee zu stehen, aber immerhin konnte ich auf einem zugefrorenen See stehen! :)
Ansonsten haben wir noch ein paar lustige Bilder gemacht und dann ging's auch schon wieder heim nach Gulbene.
eure Sophia :*
On the 2nd of March Nathalie, Eugene and I went to Balvi! :) Unfortunately Gulbene doesn't have a swimming pool, so we decided to go to Balvi, which is 40 minutes by bus from Gulbene. It wasn't easy to find the swimming pool, but it was so worth it. I just love swimming and I enjoyed it so much. There was also a sauna. But I wasn't in there for very long, because it had around 100°C inside. Instead I jumped into the pool again! ;)
After our swimming session we went for a stroll through the city. Balvi is a little bit smaller than Gulbene, but there are two lakes. And the best thing was, that they were still frozen. So even though I missed my chance to walk on the frozen Baltic Sea, I at least stood on a frozen lake this winter! :)
Other things we did? Well we took some funny pictures, but then it was already time to go back home to Gulbene.
Sophia :*
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